Duck Donuts is a popular American doughnut franchise specializing in made-to-order doughnuts. It’s pretty funny that Its name comes from the town called Duck where it was founded, so the logo also became a duck. However, It’s not the best thing about the company, if not the fact that there are plenty of vegan options at Duck Donuts. Also, the company is very helpful with the nutrition guide.
Duck Donuts is popular since unlike other well-known doughnut shops they give great freedom to personalize and build donuts. You can freely customize your donuts from basic to the coatings and toppings. Also, it is quite fresh compared to other franchises in my opinion. Oh, and I almost forgot the most important part: Duck Donuts has vegan doughnuts which is not common enough. Let’s see what are the vegan options at Duck Donuts!
Duck Donuts vegan options in short
To be honest, for the first look, it looks pretty plain since there is only one vegan donut at Duck Donuts. However, one plant-based donut gives you almost endless possibilities since most of the toppings, coatings, and drizzling are vegan. Here is the brief list:
- Vegan Cake Donut
- 16 different vegan-friendly coatings,
- 16 different plant-based toppings and sparklings,
- 9 different types of vegan drizzle,
- various coffee, and also
- They have almond milk for the coffee.
And that’s all. So technically, there are more than 16x16x9 – more than 2000 – vegan options available at Duck Donuts. Let’s check the details!
Are Duck Donuts vegan?
While most of them aren’t vegan, there is at least one vegan doughnut. The others contain milk and eggs. However, Vegan Cake Donut is dedicated to plant-based eaters. Also, most of the toppings and coatings are vegan so, technically, you can eat more than 2000 different donuts.
Which coatings are vegan?
Luckily, it is easier to tell which one isn’t vegan since only Nutella Coating contains dairy. Everything else is safe for vegans according to Duck Donuts’s guide. However, here is the whole list of the vegan-friendly coatings:
- Blueberry Icing Coatings
- Chocolate Icing Coatings
- Cinnamon Sugar Coatings
- Donut Glaze Coatings
- Key Lime Icing
- Lemon Icing Coatings
- Lucky Duck Green
- Maple Icing Coatings
- Orange Icing Coatings
- Patrioduck Blue Vanilla
- Peanut Butter Icing
- Peppermint icing Coatings
- Powdered Sugar Coatings
- Pumpkin Icing Coatings
- Strawberry Icing Coatings
- Vanilla Icing.
What are the vegan toppings?
If you are looking for cruelty-free toppings, there are more items that you should avoid. Luckily, most of them are obvious: bacon – yikes -, buttercream and Streusel. The last one can be tricky, however it contains dairy. The list of the safe ones:
- Apple Topping
- Blue Sprinkles
- Candied Rose
- Celebration Sprinkles
- Chocolate Sprinkles
- Graham Cracker
- Lavender Sprinkles
- Lucky Duck
- Oreo Topping
- Patrioduck Sprinkles
- Peach Topping
- Peanuts Topping
- Pecan Topping
- Shredded Coconut
- Valentine’s Day
- White Sprinkles.
What are the vegan drizzle options?
Everything is vegan-friendly except salted caramel, Hot fudge and somehow Hazelnut drizzle which contain dairy. According to the nutritions guide, even the marshmallow drizzle is vegan-friendly which is a surprise since usually it contains gelatin. Here is the full list of plant-based drizzles:
- Blueberry Drizzle
- Chocolate Drizzle
- Coffee Drizzle
- Glaze Drizzle
- Key Lime Drizzle
- Lemon Drizzle
- Lucky Duck Drizzle
- Maple Drizzle
- Marshmallow Drizzle
- Patrioduck Drizzle
- Peanut Butter Drizzle
- Peppermint Drizzle
- Pumpkin Drizzle
- Raspberry Drizzle
- Strawberry Drizzle
- Vanilla Drizzle.
It gives us a lot of opportunities to make our own donuts.
What else is vegan at Duck Donuts?
To be honest, nothing much. You can grab a coffee, even with plant milk but that’s all. However, this is already more than I would expect. Almost infinite possibilities to make your own vegan doughnuts. Compared to other well-known breakfast places such as Dunkin’ Donuts or Krispy Kreme it is a vegan heaven since they don’t offer any kind of plant-based donuts.